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Introducing Neoyeliztli

Neoyeliztli is a fictional exoplanet located on Epsilon Eridani solar system. Neoyeliztli is quite similar to earth but better.

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A paradise for life

Neoyeliztli is the most biodiverse planet in the known universe but it is also the most human fit habitat in the entire universe.

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Neoyeliztli is waiting for you!

You can move to Neoyeliztli entirely for free and start enjoying the best life quality in the whole universe, all you need to do is to prove that you are able to take care and sustain your current planet.

Comparison Neoyeliztli & Earth


Like this website Neoyeliztli is constantly improving, always with an optimistic approach, seeking to reach a better tomorrow. We seek a balance between nature and life in society, after all Neoyeliztli means the new nature.

Since only people who meet our only requirement come to Neoyetiztli you can expect a high level of culture accompanied by a strong feeling of attachment to nature. On this planet you will never run out of things to do but above all, without things to learn.

Start by saving planet Earth

If we do not change our habits as a species in the present, if we are not capable of taking care of this planet, the day that humanity finally takes to the stars, it will leave nothing but a path of destruction and dead worlds in its wake. We still have time to prove ourselves worthy of the interstellar dream but the time is now and the place is here in our home.

What's the point of living in a utopy if we will make it dissapear in such a short period of time? The entrance to the promise land comes with the price that you must be capable of take care of the promise land.

Open science for a better world

Science has given us the ability to solve complex problems, the problem is that we all have problems but not everyone has science within their reach. By opening science to the general public and making it accessible, we are providing the population with humanity's most powerful tool with the aim of saving our planet.

Here are some useful resources that you can use in order to learn how to preserve your planet:

-NASA Environmental Management Division
-NASA Sustainability blog post
-NATGEO Enviroment
-Treehugger magazine
-Friends of earth

Based on the work done with Neoyeliztli we will continue to improve and update this site in order to increase our impact on public awareness and promote action hoping that once people have met the Neoyetiztli requirement, moving to our Neoyeliztli will no longer be necessary.

Copyright 2023 Neoyeliztli - Design: Tooplate